Stockholm: (Royal Palace Visit II)

Royal Guards

Riksdagshuset(Swedish Parliament building). Notice how the new portion of the building fits into the old building

State Regalia

Swedish Chivalry

Swedish Carriage

Gorgeous ceiling paintings inside the Royal Palace

Super long table in the State Apartment where gala banquets are held during state visits

Can't understand how these were done with spray cans

well, I just can't overemphasize that Stockholm has fancy cars. Such cars are just parked beside the road. And it wasn't a car exhibition.

Anyway, this is the Stadshuset replica in Mini Europ, Brussels. The city hall is used for the annual Nobel Banquet.
You never watch them spray-can it? They are really fast! Like 1 minute for each of them. Cars anywhere in the world but spore are dirt cheap...
waaaaa lan eh! isnt that a lambo!
sibei chio man!
all yr pics are nice but the car pic gets my vote! woooooohooo!
eh where's the swedish princess??
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